1st Annual Hog Roast and Gospel Concert
"Pig Out on Harmony" in Edinburgh!
Bud Herndon, President of the Columbus District had an idea -- and what an idea it was!
Seventeen artists signed up to sing for anyone who would listen at a Hog Roast in an Edinburgh, IN, city park. But the real work was the preparation for the event. Mo and Neva Tindell and Lloyd and Judy Artis, as well as Bud and Nellie Herndon found themselves needing to find canopies for the food line, acquiring the food itself, lots of ice, soft drinks and water, and cleaning the picnic tables that were covered with dirt and mud. A sound system had to be set up; a background banner was needed; a flyer was developed to distribute on the internet; clearance was obtained from the city, and on and on--all in a few weeks notice. THEN......even with a predicted 105 degree heat index on the day, nothing dampened the spirits of everyone who came. The food was great, the social atmosphere was great, and the gospel music and message was great! What a day! Many thanks to Bud and the entire Columbus District. The Indianapolis District pitched in as well, but we must give credit where credit is due!